Lindsey Marie

Lindsey Marie

Hey! I'm Lindsey Marie and I'm a lover of all things music and the outdoors. Thanks for spending your workday with me! Full Bio


There Will Be A Beer-Pouring Robot At The Broncos Game This Saturday

The future is here people. 

Beginning this Saturday when the Denver Broncos play the Cleveland Browns at Mile High Stadium, Bud Light will be debuting their new beer-pouring robot. "Bud Light Bot' is simply what it sounds like, a robotic arm that will dispense beer at the push of a button. 

The bot will be located on the United East Club level, and according to the Broncos, this will be the first ever beer-pouring robot in an NFL stadium.

Now the question stands, can a robot do it better than a human? The true test, in my opinion, will be if the bot can get the perfect amount of foam on the top of my beer. I guess now I need to get to a Broncos game to truly find out.

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