Zippia just put out a list of jobs you're most likely to have based on the month you were born. Some of them (like October) aren't really jobs. Some are pretty cool and others are just plain scary (hope you weren't born in November, like me.) Here's the entire list:
January: Debt collectors and doctors.
February: Artists and traffic cops.
March: Pilots and musicians.
April: Dictators. Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Vladimir Lenin were all April babies.
May: Politicians.
June: CEOs and Nobel Prize winners. Those might be the best ones on the list.
July: Bricklayers and train drivers.
August: Bricklayers again.
September: Athletes and physicists.
October: Not a job, but you're more likely to live to be 100 years old.
November: Serial killers and schizophrenics. (Uhh, ok.)
December: Dentists.